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Radical Body Art

Cliteracy, 100 Natural Laws

A multimedia project celebrating the clit and displaying powerful message about the importance of body knowledge and respect..

A playful celebration of genitals using cutting edge technology, including 3D scanning and printing.

The Art of Vagina

Sophia Wallace

Megumi Igarashi


Deana Lawson

A stunning photography collection that examines how the body informs personal, political, and historical identities

Interior Scroll

Carolee Schneemann


A performance piece, oringinated in the 1970s, where the artist read from a scroll drawn from inside her vagina. Her intent was to "physicalize the invisible, marginalized, and deeply suppressed history of the vulva."

Great Wall of Vagina

Jaime McCartney

A collection of 400 plaster casts showing the incredible beauty  and diversity of vulvas at every age and stage of life.

Glass on Body Imprints

Ana Mendieta

A performance and photographic series exploring female embodiment. Mendieta often played with themes of gender and bodies.

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