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Also known as the Vulva, many women use the word Yoni, meaning "sacred portal" in sanscrit. The yoni is the location of most of your outer sex organs. It is protected by lips, and is usually warm and moist inside.


The vulva is a great source of pleasure for many women because it houses has many nerve endings. The yoni is also home to lots of erectile tissue, just like a penis, meaning it swells during arousal (when you get turned on).






Vaginal Opening


Inner Lips

Outer Lips

A bundle of nerves and erectile tissue, that causes pleasure when stimulated.

The sensitive area inside the inner lips.

Where pee, and sometimes ejaculte fluid, exits the body.

Leading to the uterus, mucuous, menstuation, and babies may all come from here.

Also called Labia Majora, these larger flaps cover and protect the yoni. Hair typically grows here.

Also called Labia Minora, these thinner flaps protect the vestibule. They vary dramatically in shape, size, and color between bodies.

Mons Venus



The mound sitting over the pubic bones. This forms the top of the yoni.

The muscle and skin separating the vagina and anus, sometimes called the taint.

The Yoni

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